One Croydon

One Croydon  

Arts and Crafts













A.S.K.I. was funded by One Croydon to deliver a weekly Wednesday Pop Up Cafe to support the reduction of Social Isolation amongst older men and women in the Borough. We delivered sessions on a Wednesday as well as a Saturday where people joined weekly for games, conversations, arts and crafts, a meal as well as a range of Trips to Kew Gardens, Brighton, Bournemouth Dulwich Picture Galley and Croydon Museum.

The project reduced isolation and Borough community cohesion amongst older men and women in the Borough. The sessions were User Led which allowed people to decided what types of activities would be delivered. We also worked with Kingston University who provided a group of young volunteers to support the delivery and to add an inter generational aspect to the project.

COVID-19 caused all our projects to go on line in March 2020 and rather than reduce numbers it increased the number of people in need of support.